Ethos & Curriculum

The ethos of the school is essentially Catholic. This encompasses collective attitudes, beliefs, core values, traditions, aspirations and goals. These are reflected in the actual practices which are carried out in the school on a daily, weekly and yearly basis.
While it is impossible to outline all aspects of the school 'ethos', the following characteristics are experienced and promoted as essential elements in the establishment of a supportive and positive 'ethos'.
- In Scoil Asicus Naofa, where the ethos is that of a Christian Catholic school, religious instruction, in accordance with the doctrine and tradition of the Catholic Church is part of the education given to children who belong to that Church.
- The pupils are prepared for the reception of the sacraments of First Confession, First Holy Communion and Confirmation, in accordance with arrangements in the diocese.
- Prayer is a feature of the school day
- The school aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the pupil, including his / her relationship with God, with other people and with the environment.
- The Principal and teaching staff aim at maintaining high professional standards and creating a safe and happy environment.
- A spirit of mutual respect is promoted within the school community. Pupils are drawn by example and teaching to appreciate and respect people of different religious affiliations and of different nationalities.
- Close contact is maintained between school and home. Parents / guardians and teachers support one another and collaborate with one another in leading the children to the fullness of their potential at the different stages.
- The views of minority religions and non-believers will be accommodated and respected by teachers and pupils. Ancillary staff in the school are highly esteemed and respected. It is recognised that their work makes a valued contribution to the process of education.

In line with DES regulations, the following subjects are taught in Scoil Asicus:
1. Irish
2. English
3. Mathematics
4-6. SESE (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education) which includes Geography, History and Science.
7-9. Arts Education (which includes Visual Arts, Music and Drama)
10. Physical Education.
11. Religious Education is taught everyday in accordance with the ethos of the school.
12. SPHE – Social Personal and Health Education which includes RSE (Relationships and Sexuality Education), Stay Safe Programme
13. Information and Communication Technology.
Curricular programmes prescribed by the DES may be amended from time to time, in accordance with Sections 9 and 30 of the Education Act 1998.
Strandhill National School, Golf Links Road, Sligo | Phone: 071 916 8154